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Party Page!

Daddy-Daughter Dance 

Check out the upstairs "ballroom"at Trinity for a wonderful dance with your daughter! We will provide the music, dinner, dessert and refreshments-you provide the dancing shoes!  Open to alumni siblings as well! 

 When: Saturday, March 9th, 5-6:30 pm

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's hosting: Miss Sue, Miss Ellie, Mrs. Ladin, Miss Jeni

Cost to Attend: $35/couple, $10 each additional daughter 

Spots: 25

More Tea Please! 

Ready Two Grow kids, enjoy a Monday morning play date and tea party with Miss Colleen, Mrs. Z, Miss Kathy, and Miss Katie! Check out the great toys at Miss Colleen's house and toast a fun filled time with your friends. 

 When: Monday, April 15th 9:30-11:00 ***DATE CHANGE***

Where: Miss Colleen's 

Whose Hosting: Miss Colleen, Mrs. Z, Miss Kathy, Miss Katie 

Cost to Attend: $30/child

Spots Available: 12 

Mother-Son Dance 

Check out the upstairs "ballroom" at Trinity for a wonderful dance with your son!  We will provide the music, dinner, dessert and refreshments-you provide the dancing shoes!  Open to alumni siblings as well.

When: Saturday March 16th 5-6:30

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Miss Sue, Miss Deb, Miss Christina 

Cost to Attend: $35/couple, $10 each additional son 

Spots: 25



Ready Two Grow Picnic and Play Date in the Bike Room 

Ready Two Growers, your school day does not have to end!  Continue your fun-filled Trinity day with your favorite Ready Two Grow teachers.  Bring a lunch for a picnic in the bike room, followed by a play date with your friends.  

When: Tuesday, March 19th, 11:15-12:30

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Ready Two Grow teachers

Cost to Attend: $25/child

Spots Available: 18

The Great Trinity Sleep Under

Pack up the sleeping bags and get those pajamas out!  Let your child be part of this special annual under-nighter hosted by Miss Sue and her crew.  The evening includes dinner, games, crafts and a movie for kids ages 3 and older (and not in diapers, please!).

When: Saturday, April 6th, 5:30-9:00

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Miss Sue, Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. Ladin 

Cost to Attend: $40/child ($20 each additional sibling)

Spots: 15



 Calling all Pee-Wee-Picassos 

"Pee-Wee-Picassos" are invited to join Ms. Dori and Miss Sue for a fun and arty afternoon! Students will create special crafts that they will be able to take home at the end of class, along with a special handmade gift from Ms. Dori. 

When: Thursday, April 18th, 3:15-4:45 pm 

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Ms. Dori and Miss Sue 

Cost: $30/child 


 The Great Trinity ALUMNI Sleep Under #1 

 TCNS Alums-come take a trip down memory lane with Miss Sue & her crew!  Wear your pajamas and bring your sleeping bag.  You'll have dinner, play games, do a craft and watch a movie.  And good news, parents-current TCNS students are welcome to attend this event if their alumni siblings are also attending. 

When: Saturday, April 20th, 5:30-9:00

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Miss Sue, Miss Alessia, Mrs. Hampton 

Cost to Attend: $40/child($20 each additional sibling)

Spots: 15


 The Great Trinity ALUMNI Sleep Under #2

TCNS alums-come take a trip down memory lane with Miss Sue.  Wear your pajamas and bring your sleeping bag.  You'll have dinner, play games, do a craft and watch a movie.  And good news, parents-current TCNS students are welcome to attend this event if their alumni siblings are also attending. 

When: Saturday, April 27th, 5:30-9:00

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Miss Sue, Miss Christina, Miss Dori

Cost to Attend: $40/child, $20 each additional sibling

Spots: 15

The Trinity Treasure Hunt

Calling all explorers! Join us as we follow the treasure map, uncover the clues and discover the riches throughout Trinity.  Party includes lots of fun both inside and outside.  We will even feed your little explorer dinner. 

When:Thursday, May 9th, 4:30-6:00

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Miss Sue, Miss Ellie, Miss Deb

Cost to Attend: $30 per explorer

Spots Available: 20


A Train Ride with the Teachers

"I hear the train a comin', it's comin' around the bend...the 4 year old teachers...would like to take some friends.." on the Metra from Wilmette to Glencoe.  We'll play in the park in Glencoe and then head back to Wilmette for frozen yogurt at Cocomero. Drop off is at the Wilmette Metra Station and pickup is at Cocomero. 

When: Tuesday, May 14th, 3:45-5:30 (Rain Date:Tuesday, May 21st)

Where: Wilmette Metra Station 

Who's Hosting: Miss Agata, Mrs. Lezama, Mrs. Hampton, Miss Ellie, Miss Sue

Cost to Attend: $30/child

Spots: 9


Breakfast with the Parent-Tot Teachers

Parent-Tot kiddos, join Miss Kristen and Ms. Kathy for breakfast on the playground at Trinity-on a Saturday! Parents, enjoy your own "break" on the weekend while we play games and dine with our favorite students!

When: Saturday, May 18th, 9-11am

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Miss Kristen, Ms. Kathy

Cost to Attend: $30/child

Spots: 18 (Siblings are welcome)

Prelude to Summer 

Take a deep breath...school doesn't have to be out for the summer.  Miss Sue and her capable assistants will keep the TCNS doors open for some very lucky kids.  Children bring a lunch with a beverage.  The Gaertner team will delight the children with special games, crafts, outdoor fun and more!  A waiting list will be offered and, if interest exists, additional personnel may be hired to accommodate a larger class.  Sign-ups are limited to current Ready Two Grow, 3 AM, 3PM, 4AM, and 4PM students only. 

When: Monday June 3rd, Tuesday June 4th, Thursday June 6th, Friday June 7th from 9:30am-1:00pm

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Miss Sue and Crew 

Cost to Attend: $150 per camper

Spots: 18

Kindergarten Camp Out 

Join the kindergarten enrichment team for an afternoon of fun around an indoor "campfire".  We'll learn camp songs to sing, read stories by flashlight, work in teams for a tent building challenge, eat s'mores, paint pine cones and rocks as decorations to take home and make some snack mix for the road. Happy trails! (Dietary restrictions will be accommodated; please contact the teachers in advance so we can provide suitable ingredients).  Open to current and past kindergarten enrichments students. 

When: Saturday, April 13th, 3-5pm 

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Kindergarten Enrichment Teachers 

Cost to Attend: $35/child

Spots: 22


Golfing with the Teachers

"I'll meet you on the course!"  Bring your clubs if you have them.  We'll hit balls at the range, have putting contests, and top it off with popcorn and a cold drink on the patio of the Wilmette Golf Club.  Mrs. Lezama, Miss Agata, and Mrs. Hampton will be your caddies. We can handle 9 four, five-and six-year olds who know the importance of "safety first, bragging rights second".  Open to alumni siblings as well. 

When: Wednesday, May 22nd 4:00-5:30 (Rain date: May 29th)

Where: Wilmette Golf Club

Who's Hosting: Mrs. Lezama, Miss Agata, Mrs. Hampton

Cost to Attend: $40/child

Spots: 9 four, five or six year olds


Magic Science Party

Aaaabraaa-chadabraaa - alakazam!!  We will have a ton of fun!!  As much as we can!! Perfect for your budding scientist, this magical morning includes fascinating science experiments and even a pizza lunch. 

When: Saturday, March 16th, 10am-noon 

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Who's Hosting: Mrs. Dashiell 

Cost to Attend: $30/child

Spots: 15


Bid for a fun experience with a Trinity Teacher!! 



Director for a Day

A Kindergarten Enrichment, 4AM or 4PM child may invite one special friend and, together with Miss Sue, co-direct Trinity for a day.  Duties include setting up classrooms, visiting all the classes, putting flyers in cubbies, selecting and ordering new supplies, using office machines, leading activities and even eating lunch with the teachers. 

When: Mutually agreed upon date 

Where: Trinity Church Nursery School 

Cost: To the Highest bidder 

Graciously donated by: Miss Sue 

Tell Me a Bedtime Story 

Your kiddos will not be fighting bedtime the night Miss Sue comes to tuck them in tight!  Miss Sue will come to your house, read your children a bedtime story and guarantee a "silent night".  

When: Mutually Agreed Upon Date 

Where: Your house 

Cost: To the Highest Bidder 

Graciously Donated By: Miss Sue

Adventures in Babysitting

Your night on the town will be even more enjoyable knowing that Miss Sue is in charge!  On a mutually agreed upon date, Miss Sue will come to your home and babysit your children from 5:30-10:30pm.  Games, crafts and fun will be had by all-and when you come home everything will be copacetic! 

When: Mutually agreed upon date 

Where: Your home 

Cost: To the highest bidder

Graciously donated by: Miss Sue 



Tutoring with Ms. Lauren

A, B, C is as easy as 1,2,3...with Miss Lauren teaching me!  Miss Lauren, who holds a Masters in Education from Northwestern and taught gifted children in CPS for several years, will conduct three 30-45 minute tutoring sessions with your little one (depending on his or her age), focusing on whatever areas you would like.

When: Mutually agreed upon date 

Where: Your home 

Cost: To the highest bidder

Graciously donated by: Miss Lauren

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